Recruiting & Business Building tools for advocates

Recruiting Images Library

Email Templates: Recruiting

  • Subject Line: How to join as an advocate

    Hi XXX!

    Here is some information about joining Green Compass. Joining is easy and will only take you a few minutes. It’s best to do this on a computer if possible.

    Click on this link at the bottom of this message. It will take you to a page to create an account. IF YOU ARE ALREADY A CUSTOMER: login with your existing account; do not create a new account. From there, you’ll choose one of our product kits. The most cost-effective is the $499 kit which includes 6 months of your back-office/customer service fee for free and over $1,000 worth of products. The $299 kit is also a great option. (You’ll only have one chance to purchase products at this super steep discount, so I strongly recommend starting with the larger kit if you can.) If you choose the $49 "Basic Business Kit," you have 30 days to upgrade to a product kit.

    Then, you’ll come to a page where you include your personal information. If you have an LLC and want to use that EIN instead of your social, you can.

    You’ll also choose your website name (ie. Everything that comes BEFORE "”) I recommend just using your name.

    And that’s it! I’ll receive an email when your sign-up is complete and I’ll send you a welcome email after that. You’ll receive an email from corporate with a lot of info - feel free to skim it for now, but I don’t recommend watching the videos yet. From here, I’ll guide you through getting started at a pace that works for you.

    I’m so excited to welcome you to Real Change Wellness!



    ps. Please give me an eta for you signing up so I can be on the lookout for that notification.

  • CLICK HERE for templates to Days 1, 2, and 3 of new advocate welcome!

  • CLICK HERE to read what corporate sends all new advocates.

Resources to support creating your life and business by design:

  • Click for Video

    Reflect on: What is your desire?

    What is the impact & income you desire from this vehicle?

    What can the income from this business model do for you?

    Need further help fleshing this out? See Abundance Academy lesson one.

    Click to Print out and fill in your Real Change Wellness goal card

  • Find New Leads : Click for Video and download document

    Nurture Leads: Click for Video and contact your mentor for the RCW monthly email you may use to nurture your contacts

    Make Offers to Leads: Click here for training and click here for podcast with further help.

    Excellent Customer Service

  • Know your vision & goals. Focus on action. Detach from outcomes. Keep your blinders on, everyone’s journey & business is different.



  • Print & use this tool to effectively speak to your audience.

    Get clarity on:

    Who is your ideal person?

    What are they like?

    What are their problems, struggles, wishes & hopes?

    How can the products and/or business with GC serve their particular needs?

  • Click to print form and click here to watch training on how to use this powerful & quick hack to respond to the circumstances of life & business to find success.

  • Download and Print this tool to use before you post on social media, reach out to a new lead, or meet with someone in person.

    Click here to watch the training how to use this tool to unlock the energetic magic of speaking, clearly & effectively to your audience.

  • Knowing who you are talking to is the first and, in some ways, most important step on the path towards clarifying your message and being more effective with your marketing time.

    The second question to ask is: What is your objective?

    When I say the word “objective,” what I mean is “what are you trying to do?” And in relationship to a person you are speaking to, more specifically, “what are you trying to do to that person?”

    Click here to watch the training from our May, 2022 team meeting (starts at minute 30)

  • After you decide WHO you are talking to and WHAT your goal is, you get to figure out WHERE you are going to deliver this message and how you can make the storytelling of your environment work for you.

    In this section, you get to think like a theater or film director. You’ll consider the set, lighting, props, costumes, and even sound design of your own mini productions. While this lesson is primarily focused on pre-recorded content, you can use some of these tools when you are presenting in person as well.

    Click here for the training.

  • Here are the examples I give in this talk.

    1. Random celebration. Make a 1-min IG story post about anything in your life not business related. Find a pretty flower, take a walk in a nice spot, show me you got new tires and tell me a tiny story about how happy you are to finally cross that off your “to do” list.

    2. Personal discovery. Make a story about something you have recently learned about yourself (ie. I’m actually an introvert) or something you’ve been wanting to try that you finally did and how it made you feel (ie. meditation, rock climbing).

    3. Challenging moment. This can be how you wanted to make a nice dinner for father’s day but your pot boiled over and made the pilot light go out so you couldn’t use your stove. You were so frustrated and started feeling like a loser. ***Your choice whether this turns into a redemption or solution-driven story, or you simply end with “anyone else?”

    4. Someone you love. Sometimes it’s easier to tell stories about someone else, but in order to make them authentic, talk about someone you really care about. Maybe it’s your cat or your neighbor or your uncle who’s turning 90. Tell us why you care about them.

5 Steps to 5K Months 

In this video, we give you the Real Change Wellness overview, roadmap, vision, and steps to create the paycheck and business that supports your goals and dreams. We don't know how long it will take. Yet when you get to that steady income that flows into your bank account with ease for the rest of your life, will it matter if it took 2 years, 4 years or 5 years?

After watching, refer to the Entrepreneurs Mastermind & 4 Pillars of Business (found above) to build each step of your business.